Chicago Wedding Video Productions - Affordable Professional Videography
Proclaim your love for each other with a short film that captures the essence of your love with style and humor… Your guests will take pleasure in your wedding tale played on a large screen display. and besides it’s a great way to start your wedding reception. These masterfully produced short films are far more then you can imagine, and it's all about you. So be a Star... Shine Bright... and have FUN doing it! |

Bride: Nicole T. |
It was a ordinary day and i was doing my daily errands, which led me to the mall to shop for myself. It was there I saw the man of my dreams. We were very young at the time, so we had to secretly see one another, and as we got older we laughed about it to this day. We have found a great friend in one another which led to a steady relationship and the love just grew stronger and stronger. Then the big question came about and i just couldn't resist, the fact of knowing that i found someone who completes me and makes me feel like the queen that I am, i love him very much and is looking forward to our life together forever. this would be a great gift for us. |
Bride: Jocelyn A. |
It all began with my father. We we're leaving a church we visited that Saturday and my dad stops me as I am walking towards the car. He yells, "hey, I want you to meet...Alex, he went to Andrews University too." I was only a few months away from heading to Andrews. I was transferring there with my Associates in Art. Alex was a smooth talker and very into his church duties and I was the total opposite. I spoke to him and didn't think anything of it. A few months passed and I was at the universities cafeteria and who did I bump into, Alex. I asked, "hey, what are you doing here?" at first I thought he was stalking me but I was wrong he was actually there for a church conference and his church selected him to attend. A year now passed and when I was visiting my family in Chicago, IL. I saw him. I was on my way to pick up my sister when I was Alex on a corner waiting for the bus, I pull up and ask, "how much?" He looked at me like I don't know you and how dare you but he laughed and got in the car. After that brief encounter we kept in touch but nothing serious until last year. We began dating and it didn't work out so we broke up in bad terms. We then realized that we we're meant for each other and no one else will understand our mood swings. We've been in a serious relationship for a year and known each other for about six years. Love is blind but when things are shifted around they make sense. |
Bride: Lillian G. |
I met the love of my life 37 years ago, I was thirteen years old and he had asked to take me to a Valentines sweetheart party. I did not take him serious because i was on crutches at the time. Ed was really serious, i took him up on his offer and for years we had a off and on again relationship. We have four adult children and 20 grandchildren and 2 great grands. I have always loved Ed but I now know that we were both so young and had a lot of life to explore and a lot of growing up to do, I knew in my heart that he was the only man for me, that he is my soul-mate. I know this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to wake up beside him every morning and go to bed with my head on his chest at night secure in his arms, feeling no fears or insecurities. This is the man that on September 26,2011 I will stand before God and all the other people who have love for us and we will say our vows and confess our love to one another. |
Bride: Kristine M. B. |
Mark and I met in 2006 doing a production of the musical "Anything Goes" together. At the time we were both in other relationships. The only conversation between us would occur when I was working on homework (as I was a sophomore in college at the time) and when he would be sitting in the back corner of the theatre reading. I was shocked that he was reading just for fun! At the closing of the show we went our separate ways in separate relationships and thought nothing of it. Little did I know that our paths would ever cross again. Four years later I got a phone call from a director friend. He needed a girl to play the role of Chava in his production of Fiddler on the Roof. It worked out perfectly, as I had just decided that very day to turn down a job out in Virginia performing at Busch Gardens. I had a feeling it wasn't the right move, but I wasn't sure why. It was the next week or so when I was on my way to the first rehearsal, and I drove up and down Palatine road looking for this place. I must have pulled into five church parking lots. So finally I decided to call the director, Dan's phone as I was already twenty minutes late. The voice on the phone answers "Dan's phone, this is Mark." And I said, "Hi Mark, this is Kristine B.. I am supposed to be attending rehearsal today...." And he cut me off before I could even finish my sentence. He said, "Do you remember me?? We were in Anything Goes together." I of course remembered him and we chatted it up until he directed me to the rehearsal space. When I finally arrived he was standing there in the parking lot waiting for me. It was really bizarre, because we hadn't spoken in four years. As I parked my car, he opened my door for me and he hugged me hello. I really knew at that very moment that he was going to be special. We went into the rehearsal together and as we spoke, I learned that Mark would be paired as my romantic opposite with me in the show. He flirted with me, but in my eyes (he will tell you something different) he was flirting with all the girls. But I could tell that he liked me. I knew it. I think at the end of the second rehearsal, he asked me for my phone number. He made up some excuse that it was so that he could let
me know about some show that everyone was going to see together two of three weeks from then. I continued to My Space stalk him. I found out that he was single and the kinds of things he was into. I would think about him all the time, wishing that he would just call me. But I thought that would never happen because who just calls someone they don't really know that well. And then my phone rang. At the time, I was living with my mom. And as soon as I found out it was him, I ran up to my room like I would when I was in high school. He invited me out for appetizers and drinks at the Khalkidhiki (a Hawaiian themed bar/lounge) where some of his friends were meeting up. We had a great time! We talked for hours on our way because he got lost. Apparently I was distracting. We opened up to each other right away. We talked about our pasts, our present and future. We were extremely honest with each other. But we were definitely on the same page. And from that
point on wee were inseparable. On our second date we had plans to go to our favorite gay bar in the city with some of my friends for musical theatre Monday. On our way there as we were talking in the car, we decided we wanted to be exclusive. November was when things got really difficult. My best friend Carrie and I had made plans to move to Orlando Florida and work for Walt Disney World. We had decided this long before Mark and I even reacquainted and I wasn't going to back out of it. It was something I had my heart set on. So we moved there and it was truly the hardest three months of my life. Mark came and visited and we would talk on the phone all day. We missed each other so much. I decided in the beginning of December that even though I couldn't really afford it, I was going home for Christmas. I couldn't think of being anyplace elseor with anyone else. I guess if I hadn't I would have gotten my dream of being proposed to in front of the castle at the Magic Kingdom. But instead, I got the best surprise in my life. The night before Christmas Eve, we went out for a nice dinner to our favorite restaurant, Wildfire. We love it there. We sat in our favorite booth near the bar and the night seemed nothing out of the ordinary. Mark had brought in my Christmas present. He said he wanted me to open it that night because it wasn't family appropriate. I'm thinking hmmmm... So as I am opening this box I unwrap a blue tee-shirt. The way it was folded, I could only see that he had my name printed onto this shirt. I unfold the shirt and it reads, "Kristine, will you marry me?" And before I knew what was happening, he had swept me out of the booth and was on one knee in front of the entire restaurant. Some how I said yes, I was crying and shaking. And I think from there we live happily ever after. I moved home from Florida a month later and Carrie and I got an apartment with my other best friend Jackie. I now live 30 minutes from Mark and we are so excited to be planning our wedding! |
My husband to be and I met on the internet site Blackplanet.com. He sent me a
note there telling me about himself and was very thorough and respectful. A week later we went on our first date to a bowling alley. We didn't get to bowl, but we bonded over drinks in the bar area. We continued to date for a few more weeks and made our relationship official on January 20th From there we spent every weekend together, went to weddings, funerals, and after
about 9 months decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. He proposed to me using a toy pyramid that he bought from the
Field Museum. He put the ring inside of it and showed me that he finished the building the pyramid. I look inside and there was the box. He got down on his knee in the car, which was very entertaining, and asked me to marry him. I said yes and the rest is history. |
Bride: Samantha L. |
Ron from Chicago and Sam from New Jersey met on the Sovereign of the Seas cruise ship in August of 2006. I was attending the wedding of a friend in the Bahamas when on the last night of the four day cruise I met Ron, which has changed my life forever. We stayed out all night walking the boat attempting to catch up on everything that we have missed in each of our lives. I was the first person that he noticed on the boat and prayed that he would get the opportunity to say something to me. Well he got his wish. We departed the ship reluctantly and haven't missed a day of talking since. Immediately we began earning frequent flyer miles traveling back and forth as we began planning our life together. In February of 2007 Ron surprised me and planned what I thought was a birthday get together for me and some of my friends. They kept the secret that he was coming, and I would never have guessed since I had just left Chicago the week before for my birthday celebration. What they didn't know was that he had planned the perfect proposal. Each of my friends husbands took the time to introduce their wife and when it came to Ron, he thanked them for getting me there and planning the surprise, and followed up with "And my name is Ronald Wright and I would like to ask Samantha if she would become Mrs. Wright." Well I couldn't believe my ears and eyes. He had the most beautiful ring in his hands and I was over whelmed with joy. It's now June of 2007 and I am moving on the 7th of July. I can't wait!!! We have chosen the weekend of the fourth of July because that would allow for our families to relax and celebrate at the same time. We're hoping that after the Thursday night wedding, people would enjoy the Navy pier on the 4th and the Taste of Chicago for the other days. I hope that you find our love story worthy of a Love story video. |
Bride: Emily W. |
I would never have met the love of my life if it weren't for a pair of mittens. That's right, a seemingly insignificant pair of suede brown mittens that are soft but smell of too many Chicago winters. When I was in my senior year of college I got a ride home from a concert by a very sweet and shy guy. The next day I thought nothing of it and never even realized I left my mittens behind in the man's car. A year passes. I'm at another small local rock show when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to face a tall stranger I slightly remember. He told me my mittens were lonely and informed me he had thrown them in the trunk of his car. He reunited me with my mittens! I thought any man this thoughtful is worth a chance. Four years later he proposed in St. James Park in London in front of a crowd of geese and swans. He is the funniest and sweetest man I have ever met and I'm humbled to spend the rest of my life with him. And in case you were curious, . . .we still have the mittens. |
Bride: BreeAnna T. |
I met Keith in July of 2001 at Camp Hope in Ewing, Il. We hung out for a week and went to the week end banquet together. We then wrote back and forth for a few months and stopped. In August of 2009, we met up again at the Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville TN. We instantly became the best of friends. By September, it had become more than friends and on September 9th, he kissed me for the first time and we began dating. A few short months later on January 26th as we were headed to my house to see my sick grandfather, he pulled off the road to go to supposedly use the restroom. However, he continued to drive. He drove to Camp Hope (where we originally met) and took me out to the bonfire (which is my favorite place) and had me sit on a log and got down on one knee and proposed to me! |
Chicago Wedding |
Wedding Love Story Sitemap |